Hogback Mtn Competition Team

Was founded in 2007 by Ruben Showalter. Finding a unique name on a national BBQ circuit proved to be difficult. After a lot of thought, there was one common thread among the original team members, we all had a view of Hogback Mountain from our homes. After the proper research to find that no other competition team had the name, we became the Hogback Mtn Competition BBQ Team. The team has competed on the Kansas City BBQ Society (KCBS) Circuit for several years, winning its share of awards and meeting many great people. As the catering business has grown we find it nearly impossible to find the time to compete these days. While not retired from competition, since 2013 we have taken a leave of absence from the competition circuit and will someday pick back up and hit the trail once again. In the meantime, if you are wondering how good our barbecue would be for your event, we didn't win the below awards with bad food!

Our BBQ & Catering Awards Won (Top 10's)

Voted a Top Wedding Vendor by Virginia Wedding Magazine 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, & 2023

Voted Best Barbecue Caterer in the Shenandoah Valley by Virginia Living Magazine 2017, 2018 & 2019

2nd Place Pork 2013 Covington Cork & Pork KCBS Va State Championship
3rd Place Chicken 2013 Covington Cork & Pork KCBS Va State Championship
9th Place Ribs 2012 Que & Cruz Louisa, Va
9th Place Brisket 2012 Covington Cork & Pork Covington, Va
10th Place Pork 2012 BBQ, Bands & Brews Palmyra, Va
5th Place Pork 2012 BBQ, Bands & Brews Palmyra, Va
9th Place Ribs 2011 Shenandoah Valley BBQ Fest
10th Place Pork 2011 Shenandoah Valley BBQ Fest
7th Place Brisket 2011 Shenandoah Valley BBQ Fest
8th Place Overall 2011 Shenandoah Valley BBQ Fest
1st Place Brisket 2010 Recovery Fest State Championship
5th Place Pork 2010 Recovery Fest KCSB State Championship
10th Place Chicken 2010 Recovery Fest KCSB State Championship
8th Place Ribs 2010 Recovery Fest KCBS State Championship
5th Place Overall 2010 Recovery Fest KCBS State Championship 
4th Place Chicken 2010 Que and Cruz Va State BBQ Championship
10th Place Brisket 2010 Que and Cruz Va State BBQ Championship
3rd Place Dessert 2009 Que and Cruz Va State BBQ Championship
5th Place Chicken 2009 Que and Cruz Va State BBQ Championship
8th Place Ribs 2009 Que and Cruz Va State BBQ Championship
1st Place Pork 2009 Smokin' Bones BBQ Competition
2nd Place Chicken 2009 Smokin' Bones BBQ Competition
4th Place Ribs 2009 Smokin' Bones BBQ Competition
2009 Reserve Grand Champion Smokin' Bones BBQ Competition
10th Place Pork 2008 Pigs in the Park Va State BBQ Championship